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Perfect In My Weakness

Writer's picture: Salinda Therik ©Salinda Therik ©

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Strengths and weaknesses in interaction with each other often create exciting and sometimes hard to handle dynamics in relationships. It is also a topic that is not too often discussed in a mature and open manner. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The only thing which makes them different is the response and our perspective towards it. We want to have a peaceful and happy life, don’t we?

But here is the good news: As long as we are still breathing and living in this temporary world, we will experience and face a variety of life journeys. Whether good or bad, there will always be a lesson and a reason for everything.

Listen to advice and accept instruction, so that you may gain wisdom in the future. I believe that you have some people who remind you to focus with your strengths only instead of recognizing your weaknesses too. Well, that’s normal and you might consider it too. But it would be much wiser for you to get to know your weakness list. By knowing that, you will have a better idea how to turn it into possibilities of your greatest strength, or else they will continue to hold you back in life.

What are Personal Weaknesses? Personal weakness is a behavioral weakness that makes it more difficult for you to fulfil your potential. These weaknesses can be mental, physical, and emotional. Such behavior prevents you from achieving your goals and potential in life. Moreover, these weaknesses can prevent you from achieving success in your career, personal, and social life.

The following list identifies some of the most common ways to find out what

your personal weaknesses are in your own life.

1. Watch your words and thoughts

Be careful in every word you say and every thought you have in your mind. There is power in every word and thought. If we feed our thoughts with negative things and say negative words to ourselves, we could be blinded by them and not able to see the potentials. A word and thought are an experience that have been conditioned to take place within the mind in response to a stimulus from an external or internal source.

2. Be honest with yourself

Do not hide your inner self and pretend to be others. You won’t be able to experience a life–changing experience by always hiding behind our mask. You are created fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us is unique and has different talents. So, embrace it and inspire others.

3. Get a trustworthy coach

A coach will not only give you feedback on how you’re doing but also provide support for you when you are struggling during your journey. She/he will act as a career guide on your journey through life by helping you to focus on your personal strengths while also addressing your weaknesses proactively.

4. Have a journal of your thoughts and actions.

It will allow you to see patterns in your thinking that can help you identify what triggers certain ways of thinking or behaving within yourself. This will help you avoid the same mistakes being repeated in the future.

5. Get feedback from others you trust

Having a fresh set of eyes to see things from another perspective can be

extremely helpful; sometimes you just need an outsider’s perspective to

help you understand things better. Your family and friends may know things

about you that even you aren’t aware of.

6. Be aware of the things that make you happy, sad or angry

You have a variety of moods and it has a great impact on your thoughts, and therefore your actions. You need to pay attention to your feelings and how they are impacting you to make positive changes in your life. Those who know how to identify their feelings regularly and reflect on how they impact them are more successful in work and relationships than those who don't.

7. Do tracking on what’s working and what’s not.

Take your time to identify and record what makes you healthy, productive and fulfilled (versus the opposite of these qualities). You will gain greater clarity about what matters most to you in each of these dimensions. It is essential to be aware of how other things are not contributing to your happiness and fulfilment in order to get more clarity in your life – purpose and goals.

It could be a challenge for you to identify weaknesses. It requires courage, energy, effort, time and willingness. Do not limit yourself by listening to negative thinkers and talkers. The truth is they do not want us to grow better and wiser than ever before. You might find them in your community or even your own family. But if you choose to be an open minded filter person you can decide which advice you keep and put into daily life practice. Don’t be misunderstood - guidance is very important. Where there is no guidance, we will fall, but in abundance of counselors

there is safety.

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it”. ~ HP Lyrikz

With a clear understanding of who we are, it becomes easier to create plans with specific objectives that are tailored to getting one closer to where we want to be in life - physically, mentally and spiritually. Here are some signs of personal weakness that are common in many


  • Anxious and worried all the time

  • Low self-esteem

  • Impulsive behavior

  • Lack of initiative and teamwork

  • Blaming others

  • Feels hopeless about the future

  • Easily discouraged by any obstacles.

  • Narrow minded and not willing to learn from others

  • Not having empathy and sympathy

  • Easily bored and thinking that everything is pointless

  • Doesn’t like responsibility.

  • Procrastinating

  • Being too sensitive to negative feedback; criticism and disapproval from others and ridicule from peers (shame)

  • Complains a lot about the way things are but rarely take any actions to change them.

  • No sense of purpose or direction in life

  • Has a hard time getting along with others

  • Dwells on past and mistakes made over and over again even if it was

  • long ago and nothing can be changed in present life.

Live a meaningful life and be impactful to others. What we identify on our personal weakness could be very useful tools to improve every aspect in our life by practicing self-awareness to act or state of knowing oneself and one’s environment, synthesizing this knowledge into new perspectives for action with compassion toward oneself and others.

The more we spend time to get to know ourselves deeper, the more we will discover so many things that we might not aware of it. This will help lower our stress level by giving us more control over how we interact with the world around us.

Practice self-kindness and self-appreciation and do the same to others. The world is already full of haters and hatreds. We need people who choose kindness, peace and honesty, who give us a hug and smile and correct us without any hesitation, lift up others, give a compliment freely, not being judgmental to those who pay no attention to the plank in their own eye, and bold enough to spread love, care, and positive vibes. At the end of the day, we will need each other as long as we are still alive. Therefore, turn your weaknesses into powerful living proof and tell others where you were healed and overcome your battle and struggle.

Imperfections are relatable. The imperfections are what attracts others to our creations and what

makes them stand out. All the flaws, rough edges, and broken pieces are what makes our life

unique and memorable. Perfect doesn’t give us room for change, improvement, or growth. If we convince ourselves something we’ve done is perfect, we remove our ability to improve it. Perfection is never as interesting as imperfection.

Having an attitude of gratitude is truly an asset for our life. It would help us to appreciate our

strengths and weakness that we have, to face every possibility somewhere along our life journey.

“You need to tell yourself, no matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, I am going to make it”. ~ Salinda Sadukh Ekha Therik


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