What Is Loneliness, Why Do I Feel Alone?
Empower Your Mindset ~ Interview Series - Guest - Lauren Chelec Cafritz
What Is Change ? How Do We Transform?
Body Image - Men Have Insecurities Too
Bullying vs Learning Disabilities
Social Anxiety As We Open Up? You're Not Alone!
My Sensitivity Is A Strength
A Selfie Changed My Life
Soul Saturday - Releasing and Healing Judgement
Food And Mental Health
Life As A Highly Sensitive Person
The Lion
Soul Saturday - The Most Powerful Mantra
Seven Weeks Of Focus #4 - Emotions
A Mother's Story
5 Steps To Trust Yourself Again – Conquering Self -Doubt.
Emotional Pain - 8 Ways To Heal From It
Floating With The Tide.
Take Control Of Anxiety
Miss Trunchbull's Chokey
This blog is a space to follow stories about day to day life and ways to handle the world as it is today.
Fellow empaths are invited to send in blogs that you believe will help others.
Show us how you express your feelings - whether through prose, artwork, poetry, music or photography. We would like to hear from you.
If you would like to share your story or art and want to be considered -
please contact us by email.
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@empathformen & @lockdowninspired